jueves, 28 de enero de 2016



From 1700 to 1847, Europe suffered a lot of chages. Because of the revolutions and the revolutionary ideas, people expressed what they felt and they wanted followers with the same beliefs and ideas. This changes occured in the pre-industrial societies.


In 1700 Europe was divided into important and mostly rich countries. The most important powers were: Spain, Italy, the Habsburg Monarchy, the Holy Roman Empire, Prussia (which became much bigger), France, Poland and finally the Ottoman Empire, which was feared by Europe as it controlled the Black Sea, the Aegean Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean Sea.

Spain had many territories, mainly in the South of Europe; it also owned the Peninsula, Naples and Islands spread across de Mediterranen Sea, such as: the Balearic Islands, Sicily and Sardinia. It reached up North, to rich areas between the Netherlands and the Dutch Republic.

Italy was divided into little principles, mostly in the North part of de peninsula. This was because Spain owned the Southern partof it until it became the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. The most important principles were the ones surrounding the Papal State, the center of the Christian World.

The Habsburg Monarchy owned and controlled the most part of Central Europe. It was formed by many territories, such as Austria, Hungary, areas belonging to the Holy Roman Empire, Bohemia and part of Poland, as it never got to conquer Poland, it would raise a couple of conflits later on.

The Holy Roman Empire was divided into kingdoms, but even though the kingdoms were individual, the territory situated inside the boarder lines of the Holy Roman Empire.

France,s territory was very big, It owned Belgium and Alace, as well as the territory we know nowadays.

Prussia was a country situated in the top part of Poland, it also belonged to it. It was a very small territory which became one of the biggest and most important powers in Europe.

Scotlnad, England, Ireland and Wales were separate countries, all of them control the islands to the West; Scilly Isles.

Finally, the Ottoman Empire. It was very big, it was probably the most feared power in Europe for many years. This was because it controlled many seas and its territory was huge.

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