domingo, 31 de enero de 2016


Societies changed a lot when the Industrial Revolution took place. 
During pre-industrial period, from 1750 to 1850, people used hand tools instead of machines which would help them perform tasks. The production was limited and simple, it worked as an agricultural economy.People’s work and social life mixed, as families lived on small plots of land, growing crops mostly for home consumption. Generations followed the lives of their parents, as they usually worked in the countryside. Children didn't use to work, they learned the basic techniques, such as milking cows for when their turn took place. Women worked at home, they fulfilled the basic needs of the house and sometimes worked as maids. Pre-industrial societies developed in rural areas, their idea of healthcare was very religious, they thought a physical illness was God's divine intention of purifying their souls, the factor of pollution didn't interfere in illness and health problems as the air was clean. Also medical care was a priviledge for nobles and people who had money. Money was a difficulty, most peasants that worked in their lands even struggled to meet the basic needs of their families, they were poor.

On the other side, during Industrial period, from 1820 to 1840, they started using machines in industries using external energy sources, such as fossil fuels, to increase the rate and scale of production. With the use of machines the production was much bigger and effective as in the same industry many things and not just one could be done at the same time. Workers had no political rights and belonged to the low classes. They worked 10-14 hours a day, 6 days a week, and the working conditions were terrible. Government didn´t helped, they gave the workers the chance to live in poorhouses in horrible conditions, what is more, they had to live there with their families. Women and children were overexploited as it was cheap and sometimes conditions were even worse than for male adults. People didn´t live in the countryside anymore, they now moved on to live in the cities, where water and air polllution wasn´t good and there was lack of clean streets. Because of the tecnological changes there were fewer illnesses and better healthcare; more people are born and fewer die. This means life expectancy increased. 
The social classes changed, feudalism disappears and society was divided into social groups classified by the money they earned. People were equal before law, there are no privileges for the nobles and for anyone. There are more rich people, with powers, this was because you could be rich in more ways and if you were born with privileges you could perfectly lose them.  

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